Voice Mail

Provincial network

To enter your Voice Mail :

1-       Dial your pager number

2-       While listening to the greeting message, press «  0  »

3-       Enter your access code ( By default : 1-2-3-4 )


Basic listening commands :

To listen to the most recent message :                                                   Press ( 3 )

To listen to the oldest message :                                                           Press ( 4 )

To delete a message :                                                                           Press ( 2 )

To retrieve the date and time of the message :                                       Press ( 7 )

To repeat the message :                                                                        Press ( 5 )

To get the listening commands :                                                           Press ( * )

To listen to the numeric messages (or Assured Delivery) :                     Press ( 14 )

To return to the main menu :                                                                 Press ( 10 )

Terminate session :                                                                              Press ( # )


To modify your greeting message :

To enter the greeting message setup menu:                                            Press ( 11 )

To record a greeting :                                                                           Press ( 30 )

To stop the recording :                                                                        Press ( 1 )

To listen to your greeting message:                                                       Press ( 40 )

To get the greeting message commands :                                              Press ( * )

Terminate session :                                                                              Press ( # )


To modify your access code :

To enter the access code setup menu:                                                   Press (17)

To modify your access code :                                                              Press ( 3 )

Enter your new access code                                                                4 digits code

To confirm your new access code                                                        Press ( # )

To listen to your new access code:                                                       Press ( 4 )
