
Hello and welcome to Lava-Com’s online Cap code modification

Please fill in the following fields so we can proceed with your Cap code modification. Please use the key <TAB> to get from one field to another.

The fields with an (*) are required

*Is the Cap code change to be:
Permanent        Temporary

*Old Cap code (9 numbers):
* New Cap code (9 numbers):
*Pager Number: ()  ex: (819) 5648458

*The pager was activated under which name:

*Name of store where the transfer was made:

*In what city is the store located:

*Reason for the Cap code change:
Over the counter exchange      Repairs - Coming or going      Purchased new pager  


For any over the counter exchange, please be sure to fill in and sign the over the counter exchange form.

No pagers will be replaced without this form.

Paper clips and battery doors are NOT covered by the warranty.

When all the required fields are filled in, simply click on "Submit" to transfer your request to Lava-com.